Keywords: Angel María Cortellini - Basilio de Chávarri - Google Art Project.jpg commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution Institution Museo del Romanticismo commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title Basilio de Chávarri core date dateCreated 1861 core location locationCreated Madrid core format w127 x h209 cm Without frame core type Painting core relation http //ceres mcu es/pages/Main idt 8122 inventary CE0558 table FMUS museum MNR core format medium Oil on canvas art artist_birth_place Sanlúcar de Barrameda Cádiz Spain art artist_nationality Spanish art artist_date 1820/1899 c-07ff1e57 customtext signature Angel Mª / Cortellini; lo pintó en / Madrid año 1861 c-07ff1e57 customtext original_title Basilio de Chávarri c-07ff1e57 customtext cultural_context Spanish Romanticism c-07ff1e57 creator painter_and_lithographer Angel María Cortellini google display_date 1861 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 0000000007ff1e57 google picasa_token u6CJTuHWJkYF7DWH-4tpoRxiFNE special url_id pAGp_oVQqykMbQ google partner/name Museo del Romanticismo special partner/name_no_lang Museo del Romanticismo PD-old-100-1923 1899 Google Art Project works by Angel María Cortellini Google Art Project works in Museo del Romanticismo Ángel María Cortellini 19th-century portrait paintings in the Museo del Romanticismo Madrid 1861 1860s oil on canvas paintings in Spain Portrait 1860s portrait paintings from Spain Male 1861 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1861 portrait paintings Male 19th-century oil portraits of standing men at full length 1861 Badges of chivalric orders in portrait paintings 1861 Portrait paintings of men holding top hats 1861 Portrait paintings of men with tables 1861 Sash of the Order of Isabella the Catholic 1861 Star of the Order of Isabella the Catholic in portrait paintings 1861 |