Keywords: andrena derandrena taxonomy:binomial=andrena uvulariae taxonomy:binomial=andrenauvulariae andrenidae bee bees biml usgs droege bellwort specialist bellwortspecialist bellwort bellflower bellflower specialist bellflowerspecialist bug bugs pollinator pollinators animal animals animalia arthropod arthropods arthropoda insect insects insecta hymenoptera aculeata anthophila apoidea mining bees miningbees mining bee miningbee andreninae andrena uvulariae andrenauvulariae face portrait eye eyes compound eyes compoundeyes ommatidia ocelli antenna antennae sensory array sensoryarray sensor array sensorarray sensory organs sensoryorgans labrum mandible mandibles maxillae labial palp labialpalp proboscis scape pedicel flagellum female zerene zerene stacker zerenestacker stacked head compound eye compoundeye macro macro photography macrophotography stackshot usgsbiml photo border outdoor Andrena uvulariae, Female, Recently, this species was known only from the type, but work by Mike Arduser, Joan Milam, and John Ascher have resulted locating additional specimens along the the male. It appears to be a pollen specialist on Bellflowers. This specimen is approximately 100 years old from the Smithsonian collection. Andrena uvulariae, Female, Recently, this species was known only from the type, but work by Mike Arduser, Joan Milam, and John Ascher have resulted locating additional specimens along the the male. It appears to be a pollen specialist on Bellflowers. This specimen is approximately 100 years old from the Smithsonian collection. |