Keywords: Allegorisk karta över Östersjön i form av färjkarlen Charon.tif Orienterad mot sydväst Olof Rudbeck d y 1660-1740; creator cartographer Kungliga biblioteket image 10346742 https //data kb se/datasets/2014/06/kartor/10346742_Rudbeck_Charon_Nora_ 2310923F tif KB KoB Fantasikarta 002273894 Copyright information PD-old-100 cc-zero map date Östersjön 8500000 8 00000/33 00000 66 00000/54 00000 1 karta sv unknown Sweden print date 1701 institution National Library of Sweden accession number 10346742 plåt 20 x 17 cm kopparstick other versions Old maps Maps digitised by the National Library of Sweden Fantasy maps Maps of the Baltic Sea Maps in Swedish Politics of Europe |