Keywords: Alfred T. Bricher - Castle Rock, Nahant, Massachusetts - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project Q20631689 oil on canvas 1837 1837 1908 1908 Alfred Male 461208 Thompson Bricher American 1837 - 1908 /collection/the-white-house/artwork/castle-rock-nahant-massachusetts-alfred-t-bricher/499055/ Alfred T Bricher Artist /artist/alfred-thompson-bricher/4131226/ 4131226 /collection/the-white-house/ The White House 392006 http //www WhiteHouse gov/ 12/9/2011 10 38 04 PM /collection/the-white-house/artwork/castle-rock-nahant-massachusetts-alfred-t-bricher/499055/ 1877 1877 Oil on canvas John S Radway New York; T Scudda Winslow New York; Graham Gallery New York; acquired as CASTLE ROCK MARBLEHEAD True 663 702 499055 True 1877 1877 /collection/the-white-house/level/state-floor/457003/ State Floor without frame 3/24/2012 2 58 50 AM 1972 878 1 White House Acquisition Fund 1972 Painting 1870 1880 w1270 x h663 mm 1877 False 1 93207547169811 White House Historical Association White House Collection Object /collection/the-white-house/level/state-floor/457003/red-room/500073/ Red Room castle-rock-nahant-massachusetts-alfred-t-bricher Castle Rock Nahant Massachusetts c 1270 en Oil on canvas en John S Radway New York; T Scudda Winslow New York; Graham Gallery New York; acquired as CASTLE ROCK MARBLEHEAD special url_id 6AEPKU-xLBWEqw PD-old-100-1923 1908 Google Art Project works by Alfred Thompson Bricher Alfred Thompson Bricher Paintings in the White House Landscape paintings of the United States Paintings of the Massachusetts coast 1870s landscape paintings |