Keywords: Alexander III's death in Livadia by M.Zichy (Hermitage) 00.jpg Zichy Mihaly - Empress Maria Feodorovna with the body of Alexander III Hermitage Импе ат ица а ия Федо овна ядом с телом Александ а III Се ия Сме ть Александ а III в Ливадии бумага ка тон аква ель г афитный ка андаш белила 23 5х30 5 см ЭРР-8020 Э митаж http //www hermitagemuseum org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/02 +Drawings/1345427/ lng ru 1895 Zichy Mihaly PD-Art Alexander III's death in Livadia by M Zichy Portraits with 2 persons Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Maria Fyodorovna Dagmar of Denmark in portraits Deathbed portraits of Russian rulers |