Keywords: AGNI, "god of the sacrificial fire, the hearth, the cremation fire, lightning, and the sun".gif en AGNI god of the sacrificial fire the hearth the cremation fire lightning and the sun p 325 FROM THE RIG VEDA Agni shines forth with a high light; by his power he makes all things manifest He overpowers the godless forces of evil magic; he sharpens his two horns to gore the demons Let Agni's bellowings reach to heaven as piercing weapons to destroy the demons His angry glare breaks forth in ecstasy of Soma The obstacles of the godless cannot hold him back Inspired with poetry I have fashioned this hymn of praise for you whose very nature is power as the skilled artist fashions a chariot If you receive it with pleasure Agni let us win waters and sunlight with it p 103 TRIBUTES TO A FEW OF THE LESS COMMONLY PICTURED VEDIC DEITIES Source of all images http //members xoom it/kundalini/kundalini_eng/ downloaded Oct 1999 The website owner says he got these images from a 19th-century textbook on Hinduism Source of all text The Rig Veda; An Anthology trans Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty New York Penguin 1981 century 19 http //www columbia edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00routesdata/bce_500back/vedas/pantheon/pantheon html author other versions Custom license marker 2015 11 29 PD-Old Agni Uploaded with UploadWizard |