Keywords: Aegina funerary relief rich style dexiosis 5th century BCE.jpg en Funerary relief of the so called rich style It is a representation of a dexiosis reception The deceased seated to the left holds a bird in her left hand while greeting a standing woman 5th-c BCE Aegina archaeological museum inv 2222 Aegina Greece fr Relief funéraire de style riche C'est une représentation de dexiosis réception La défunte assise à gauche tient un oiseau dans sa main gauche pendant qu'elle salue la femme debout Vè s av J -C Musée archéologique d'Égine n°2222 Égine Grèce 2015-10-27 16 07 41 own Jebulon other versions 37 749626 23 424833 cc-zero QualityImage Ancient Greek funerary steles in Greece 5th-century BC reliefs in Greece 5th-century BC art in Greece Ancient Greek chairs Naiskoi Handshakes in ancient Greek funerary art Ancient Athenian women Sitting women in art Ancient Greek fashion 2222 number Archaeological museum of Aegina Reliefs in Aegina Quality images of Aegina Quality images by Jebulon |