Keywords: A-Block-for-the-Wigs-Gillray.jpeg A Block for the Wigs ”or the new State Whirligig Js Gy d ft SUMMARY Cartoon shows a carousel on which sit government ministers Charles Fox Lord North Edmund Burke and Admiral Keppel Beam in the center of the carousel platform is a pillar topped by a bust of King George III a wig and Union Jack suspended over the bust In the background two robbers lower a large bundle from the window of a building An inscription above the cartoon reads Poor John Bull's house plunder'd at noon day MEDIUM 1 print etching CREATED/PUBLISHED London W Humphrey 1783 May 5th Puns include wig for Whig and block for the device for beheading the head-shaped device for forming wigs and blockhead as in stupid person Burke is dressed as a Jesuit is reading from Sublime and Beautiful and has a skeleton for a leg Library of Congress Prints Photographs Division LC-USZC4-6861 color film copy transparency http //memory loc gov/master/pnp/cph/3g00000/3g06000/3g06800/3g06861u tif uncompressed archival TIFF version 50 MB color level pick white and black points cropped and converted to JPEG quality level 88 with the GIMP 2 4 5 1783-05-05 creator James Gillray No known restriction on publication File A block for the wigs - or the new state whirligig by James Gillray jpg LOC-image cph 3g06861 PD-old-100 1783 in Great Britain Playground roundabouts Moneybags James Gillray 1783 cartoons Caricatures of the United Kingdom Whigs British political party Males riding in art Carousels in art |