Keywords: weather optics optic contrail shadow black beam dark line lines volumetric vliegtuigstreep vliegtuig streep schaduw sky lucht optisch vapor trail climate model mechanism klimaat klimaatmodel mechanisme edge chemtrail debunking debunk outdoor This morning I saw this strange looking shadow underneath a contrail, it disappered within seconds. Apparently this optical phenomena appears when a contrail casts a shadow on a lower lying thin layer of cloud [almost invisible]. But myself I'm not quite sure about this explanation, I have to think a bit more. Couldn't it instead have an ything to do with polarisation maybe? I don't know. The thing about shadows being that they are not really visible. They are the absence of light rather than a shadow being projected, if you look through them you will not see them the photos themselves are non-processed, I only added the title and copypasted the 5 small versions to the right (they are only resized, and not otherwise processed. The top one is the oldest shot, the lowest one is the last shot just a few seconds later) This morning I saw this strange looking shadow underneath a contrail, it disappered within seconds. Apparently this optical phenomena appears when a contrail casts a shadow on a lower lying thin layer of cloud [almost invisible]. But myself I'm not quite sure about this explanation, I have to think a bit more. Couldn't it instead have an ything to do with polarisation maybe? I don't know. The thing about shadows being that they are not really visible. They are the absence of light rather than a shadow being projected, if you look through them you will not see them the photos themselves are non-processed, I only added the title and copypasted the 5 small versions to the right (they are only resized, and not otherwise processed. The top one is the oldest shot, the lowest one is the last shot just a few seconds later) |