Keywords: 1855 Colton Map of New Jersey - Geographicus - NewJersey-c-1855.jpg This rare hand colored map of New Jersey is a copper plate engraving dating to 1855 Produced by the important mid 19th century American map publisher J H Colton Covers the region in considerable detail documenting roads railroads canals counties and topographical features Prepared out of Colton's 172 William St New York office for inclusion as plate no 73 in the 1857 issue of Colton's General Atlas Dated and copyrighted Entered according to Act of Congress in the Year 1855 by J H Colton Co in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York 1855 dated Size in 13 16 object history credit line accession number NewJersey-c-1855 Colton G W <i>Colton's Atlas of the World Illustrating Physical and Political Geography</i> Vol 1 New York 1855 First Edition Geographicus-source PD-old-100 Maps by Joseph Hutchins Colton Old maps of New Jersey |