Keywords: united states air force unitedstatesairforce u.s. air force usairforce usaf 455th aew 455thaew bagram air field bagramairfield afghanistan parwan province parwanprovince isaf nato giroa 335th efs 335thefs air force airforce airmen maintenance aircraft mxs royalty free royaltyfree cc free to use freetouse creative commons creativecommons creative commons royalty free public domain photo photograph digital matt hecht getty reuters ap public domain publicdomain military aviation combat iraq war operation enduring freedom operationenduringfreedom operation iraqi freedom operationiraqifreedom f-16 f16 fighting falcon fightingfalcon strike eagle strikeeagle sunrise sunset air force one airforceone red flag alaska redflagalaska green flag east combat eastcombat aviation pilot pilots military aviationpilotpilotsmilitary pilot helicopter helo rotary wing fixed wing fixedwing jet fighter plane airplane outdoor U.S. Air Force airmen with the 455th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron remove snow from an F-15E Strike Eagle at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, on Jan 5, 2012. U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Matt Hecht U.S. Air Force airmen with the 455th Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron remove snow from an F-15E Strike Eagle at Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan, on Jan 5, 2012. U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Matt Hecht |